Intel® Tiber™ Developer Cloud for oneAPI

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The Cygwin* environment offers a convenient way of connecting to the Intel® DevCloud from a local machine running Windows*, whether you have a direct connection or find yourself behind a proxy. If you already have Cygwin installed, please skip to the SSH connection instructions.

The following instruction will help you install a minimal version of Cygwin for accessing Intel DevCloud. For your convenience we’re providing a simple script that automates the installation of Cygwin. As an alternative, we’ve also provided instructions for the manual installation.

Automated Installation

Download this simple Windows batch script install_cygwin.bat. It can be run from anywhere on your disk, either by executing it from the terminal or by double clicking on it.

The script uses curl to download the Cygwin setup file. When asked to provide proxy details, you can do so by entering proxy:port when asked, or by simply hitting enter to continue without a proxy.

The default installation path is c:\cygwin64. The script will prompt you to change this if you wish to install elsewhere.

A number of Cygwin packages are downloaded during the installation. The script is configured to use as the default download site. A full list of Cygwin mirror sites can be found on the Cygwin homepage

Manual install


  1. Download the 64-bit installer (setup-x86_64.exe) from
  2. Install the Cygwin base packages
  3. Install openssh and nc


  • Run the setup with the --no-admin option
  • Complete list of mirrors you can use for the download:
  • Openssh and nc need to be specifically selected, otherwise they will not be downloaded/installed

Configure SSH Connection

There are two options for configuring your SSH connection.

Automated Configuration (Recommended)

The easiest method to set up an SSH connection to is by downloading and running an automated installer. The installer will add SSH configuration entries to ~/.ssh/config and create a private SSH key file inside ~/.ssh.

  1. Download and save the automatic installer script customized for your account
  2. Execute this script in a terminal window (you may need to adjust the command according to your download location and the downloaded file name):
    bash ~/Downloads/setup-devcloud-access-lt;user>.txt
  3. Clean up for security:
    rm ~/Downloads/setup-devcloud-access-lt;user>.txt

Manual Configuration

  1. Download and save the SSH access key for Linux/macOS to the folder ~/Downloads/ on your computer
    * Sign In to see the download link.
  2. Create the directory ~/.ssh, unless it already exists and move the private SSH key into permanent storage in ~/.ssh:
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    mv ~/Downloads/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt ~/.ssh/
    If you saved your key in a location other than ~/Downloads/, insert the correct path.
    * Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
  3. Add the following lines to file ~/.ssh/config (if you do not have this file, simply create one):
    Host devcloud
    User <user>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt
    ProxyCommand ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt
    Note: if you have multiple accounts on the Intel DevCloud, you can change the hostname devcloud to any other identifier to differentiate between your accounts. This is the hostname that you will use in the ssh and scp commands.
    * Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
  4. Set the correct restrictive permissions on it and on the SSH client config file. To do this, run the following commands in a terminal:
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
    * Sign In to see the value of <user> for your account.
Note : If you Are Behind an SSH Proxy

In the interest of security, some business networks require that all outgoing connections are established via a corporate proxy. If you followed the instructions above but are getting the error "Connection timed out", you are likely on such a business network. To comply with the security rules of your company, modify ~/.ssh/config as below:

Host devcloud
User <user>
Port 4022
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt
ProxyCommand ssh -T devcloud-via-proxy

Host devcloud-via-proxy
User guest
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/devcloud-access-key-lt;user>.txt
LocalForward 4022 c009:22
ProxyCommand nc -x <proxy_name>:<port> %h %p

Here, <proxy_name> and <port> are, respectively, the hostname and port of the corporate proxy. It is usually provided to you by your IT department.


Log into the Intel DevCloud

ssh devcloud

The first time you log in you will be asked to add the hostdevcloud to the list of know hosts. Answer “yes” to the prompts

The authenticity of host 'devcloud' (&lt;no hostip for proxy command&gt;)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:...
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'devcloud' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
# We are in!
Connection to login-2 closed.