Intel® Tiber™ Developer Cloud for oneAPI

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Getting Started

oneDAL Hello World


This Hello World sample code shows how to do batch linear regression using the python API package daal4py for Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL).

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PyTorch* Hello World


This sample shows how to train a PyTorch* model and run the inference with Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNNL) enabled.

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TensorFlow* Hello World


This sample shows how Intel-optimized TensorFlow enables oneDNNL calls by default. It implements an example neural network with one convolution layer and one ReLU layer.

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Intel Modin Getting Started


This Getting Started sample code show how to use distributed Pandas using the Modin package.

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Intel Python XGBoost Getting Started


XGBoost* is a widely used gradient boosting library in the classical ML area. Designed for flexibility, performance, and portability, XGBoost* includes optimized distributed gradient boosting frameworks and implements Machine Learning algorithms underneath.

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LPOT sample for TensorFlow


Intel® Low Precision Optimization Tool (LPOT) helps the user to simplify the processing to convert the fp32 model to int8/bf16.

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Features and Functionality

Distributed Linear Regression Training and Prediction


This sample code shows how to train and predict with a distributed linear regression model using the python API package daal4py for (oneDAL).

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Distributed K-Means Training and Prediction


This sample code shows how to train and predict with a distributed k-means model using the python API package daal4py for (oneDAL).

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Distributed TensorFlow with Horvod Sample


This sample code shows how to get started with scaling out a neural network's training in TensorFlow on multiple compute nodes in a cluster. The sample uses Horovod*, a distributed deep learning training framework, to facilitate the task of distributing the workload. Horovod's core principles are based on MPI concepts such as size, rank, local rank, allreduce, allgather and, broadcast.

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TensorFlow Performance Analysis by using Intel Model Zoo Sample


This sample helps demonstrate AI workloads and deep learning models optimized by Intel and validated to run on Intel hardware. Using the Tensorflow Timeline, you can analyze the performance benefits from Intel Optimizations for Tensorflow* and oneDNN among different layers to efficiently execute, train, and deploy Intel-optimized models

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The example uses Intel's pretrained model published as part of Intel Model Zoo. The example also illustrates how to utilize TensorFlow and MKL run time settings to maximize CPU performance on ResNet50 workload

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End-to-End Workloads



This sample code illustrates how to use Intel® Distribution of Modin for ETL operations and ridge regression algorithm from the Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) accelerated scikit-learn library to build and run an end to end machine learning workload

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Point Pillers


This sample performs 3D object detection and classification using data (point cloud) from a LIDAR sensor as input.

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